No matter where you live, Membership has benefits!
All Members receive our nationally-honored monthly newsletter containing detailed information on resources and methods. 10 issues per year, issued from September-June. Based on your membership type, you’ll receive either a PDF or printed version. Click here for a sample. Members in the New York area are encouraged to attend our monthly meetings, held every second Saturday of the month from September-June in Bethpage, NY. Our meetings are highlighted by informative programs and speakers on a variety of genealogical topics. Handouts and the exchange of genealogical events, websites and publications as well as research tips are readily available. Meeting attendees can also take advantage of in-person mentoring, a help desk, as well as an extensive lending library with books, magazines, CDs and DVDs. Part of the fun of being a Member of the IGG is participation in outside events with other Members. Participate in our cemetery crawl, tours, genealogy events, annual Christmas luncheon and Italian festivals. IGG Membership also includes a variety of online features, including:
- Church Databases: In addition to our public research databases, Members have exclusive access to research compiled by our Members
- Over 250 past IGG newsletters: The IGG newsletter includes research stories, helpful tips and articles by our expert Members. Every issue since 1993 is available in our archive for viewing or download.
- 25 years worth of POINTers newsletters: From 1987 until 2013, POINT (Pursuing Our Italian Names Together) served as the largest Italian genealogical organization in the United States. These issues include an updated listing of all surnames entered into the database since the previous issue and the names and addresses of those who submitted those current surnames, plus news items and items of Italian genealogical or historical significance that have been sent by readers.
- Videos of past IGG presentations: The IGG has had many memorable and informative presenters. This archive provides video documentation of some of our best presentations.
- Handouts from past IGG presentations: Many of the presenters at our monthly meetings provide handouts for the attendees. Some of our most useful handouts are available in this archive for viewing or download.
- Surname Database: Our Surname list has over 11,000 entries. Members may contact other Members regarding matching surnames.
- Maps of Italy: A contemporary map of provinces and regions, including abbreviations, along with a series of historical maps of Italy
- Wall of Remembrance: Members are invited to memorialize an immigrant family or family Member by contributing a family story. Stories will be posted on our Wall of Remembrance and Members will have access to all stories that are submitted. This is an example way to make sure that your ancestor is not forgotten.