Join the Italian Genealogical Group Today!

The Italian Genealogical Group is dedicated to promoting Italian family history and genealogy. As a non-profit organization, we are dedicated to furthering genealogical research, through educational initiatives and the curation of resources. Established in 1993, the IGG exists to provide support for those interested in researching their Italian ancestry.
Our Research Databases are available to anyone, providing over 16 million entries of vital records, naturalization and other genealogical records. Anyone with an interest in Italian genealogy is welcome to join the Italian Genealogical Group. Our Members range from beginners to professional genealogists, and all are welcome. Family history is an interesting, rewarding hobby that will enable you to discover your past and preserve your heritage for future generations.
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- 10 Newsletters Per Year, sent electronically as PDFs
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Printed Newsletters + Online Access
- Exclusive Members Area
- Full Access to Website Resources
- 10 Newsletters Per Year, hard copies sent by postal mail (US Addresses Only, Cannot Mail Internationally)
- Auto-Renew enabled, turn off anytime in Your Account
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No matter where you live,
Membership has benefits!
All Members receive our nationally-honored monthly newsletter containing detailed information on resources and methods. 10 issues per year, issued from September-June. Based on your membership type, you’ll receive either a PDF or printed version. Click here for a sample.
Members in the New York area are encouraged to attend our monthly meetings, held every second Saturday of the month from September-June in Bethpage, NY. Our meetings are highlighted by informative programs and speakers on a variety of genealogical topics. Handouts and the exchange of genealogical events, websites and publications as well as research tips are readily available. Meeting attendees can also take advantage of in-person mentoring, a help desk, as well as an extensive lending library with books, magazines, CDs and DVDs.
Part of the fun of being a Member of the IGG is participation in outside events with other Members. Participate in our cemetery crawl, tours, genealogy events, annual Christmas luncheon and Italian festivals.

Online Only
- Join from Anywhere in the World
- Exclusive Members Area
- Full Access to Website Resources
- 10 Newsletters Per Year, sent electronically as PDFs
- Auto-Renew enabled, turn off anytime in Your Account
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Printed Newsletters + Online Access
- Exclusive Members Area
- Full Access to Website Resources
- 10 Newsletters Per Year, hard copies sent by postal mail (US Addresses Only, Cannot Mail Internationally)
- Auto-Renew enabled, turn off anytime in Your Account
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Genealogy isn’t just about digging for facts. It’s about telling our family stories. Finding your Italian roots and family history can be one of your most gratifying undertakings. Whether you seek to trace your family going back centuries or just want to know from where your Italian-American story starts, your journey will prove to be challenging but ultimately fascinating. You can learn much about your Italian legacy and culture and also discover the history behind what made your ancestors leave the Old Country and settle elsewhere. To assist you on your journey, keep in mind the analogy of a tree to describe your family and its roots. Your journey will be “climbing the family tree”.